- Against all odds, President
Barack Obama has held office for four years in the United States.
- Against all odds, Barack Obama won the
Presidency of the United States in 2008.
- Against all odds, Barack Obama was a
Senator in the State of Illinois.
On this 16th day of
January 2012, while we celebrate the accomplishments of Reverend
Martin Luther King, whom people say is the greatest American
we've produced, we ponder the venom with which people speak
about President Barack Obama, who brought to America the first
balanced state of mind this country has ever seen. ~ JC
The man on the right would not have been
possible without the man on the left. ~ Marshall McDonald
Al Calloway for the South Florida Times
[14 January 2012, Fort
Lauderdale, FL] Although the language called “Washington speak”
which print and electronic media outlets and talking-heads used
to bombard the American public dropped a falsehood called “entitlements”
on us and claimed that Social Security is such a case, don’t
get caught-up in that game. Social Security is not an “entitlement.”
Even President Barack Obama has used the term
“entitlements” in order to communicate with the American
people through a cloud of falsehood surrounding such a notion,
such a contrivance to obfuscate and deceive. So, from the
far-right neo-conservatives came the embellished falsehood that
the “entitlement” Social Security is actually a Ponzi
The truth is that Social Security is a debt
owed to American seniors who worked all of their adult lives
until retirement. It is a savings account with the government of
the United States of America which allows deductions to be made
before paychecks are received. Seniors are not “entitled” to
these funds, they are owed their money; that’s money that they
worked for and earned.
All residents of the United States of
America, whether eligible voters or not, must now help save
America from the anti-American behemoths who want only a
democracy among themselves so they can escalate filching our
country to the bone.
Make a resolution now to do everything in
your power to cause the re-election of President Obama. Those
who can vote, make sure of your eligibility and not only vote
for Obama but also make sure everybody you know also votes for
Obama in November. Everybody, start organizing now, house by
house, apartment building by apartment building, block by block,
precinct by precinct.
Those young and old who cannot vote are just
as vital to the process as those who can vote. Become a campaign
worker. Volunteer. Hand out literature, place yard signs, work
in a campaign office. Erroneously, too many voters think that
casting their votes is all they need to do. No! Get involved in
every aspect of the democratic process in your churches, clubs
and neighborhoods.
Ultra-powerful, super rich sources, the
behemoths of Wall Street and their minions on Washington’s K
Street, have orchestrated a far-right fascistic takeover of
America by marginalizing the middle class and dumping the poor
and near-poor into abject poverty.
These are the oligarchs who have been and
continue to oppose tax cuts for working Americans. President
Obama wisely went before the American people and proclaimed that
this fascist plutocracy that controls so much of Congress (my
words, not his) missed what $40 means to the average American.
Obama invited some average Americans to tell the rich and
super-rich what a difference $40 makes in their families’
Wall Street oligarchs generated an historic
economic downturn during the Bush administration that handed
over a near depression to President Obama when he entered the
White House. Don’t get it twisted; Obama saved the Union and
white nationalists of both political parties have powerfully
obfuscated that fact.
Wall Street developed a financial innovation
called the Swaps Market that is now reputed to be a $700
trillion secret liability — a global swaps market — where
they bet on defaults. It is an unregulated shadow market. Obama
must be re-elected so that the Justice Department can continue
its probe into how the economy was rigged so the super-rich got
richer while the country almost went into a depression.
Obama is your only defense against every
vestige of democracy being methodically eliminated. Minorities
are always first. For example, while there have only been 311
cases of voter fraud nationally in a decade, 38 states have
introduced legislation to require government identification in
order to vote; 25 percent of blacks and 19 percent of Latinos
have no government-issued identification.
Frightening to the point of excruciation is
the reality that any one of the Republican candidates for
president, all trying desperately to out right-wing one another,
is even considered. Terrifying! So what is it like for black
Republicans? Will black Republicans actively campaign for any
one of these candidates, all of whom proudly proclaim their
white nationalist ideology?
Black Republicans can stay in their political
party, which they cannot turn to the center or divest of its
avowed white nationalism, and do the right thing. Vote for
Al Calloway is a long-time journalist who began his career
with the Atlanta Inquirer during the early 1960s civil rights
struggle. He may be reached at Al_Calloway@verizon.net
You would be surprised how many
supposedly intelligent Black folk are Republican. I
suppose it is right up there with buying expensive low
quality designer clothes to show off because of the name
when we can get better for our money in a recession if we
make and do things ourselves. Some people are just shallow
and think being like "them" and acting like
"them" will make them rich in material things
like them. They will have a rude awakening coming one day
soon. Mommy always said a hard head makes a soft tail. To
bad all of us will have to pay for their mistakes of being
driven by money and power instead of common sense which
isn't so common anymore.
It is the mentality that we were bred
with that many have not realized yet. We will continue to
pray for them and hope for all of our sakes they start
waking up. It was one thing when our ancestors had to do
the shuffle to live, it is another thing when we walk to
the slaughter on our own accord.
RW, Las Vegas, NV
Dear Mr. Calloway,
I read your article in the South Florida Times, Resolve
for 2012: Re-elect President Barack Obama. I live in
Miami, FL. I disagree on your endorsement of President
Obama and I will not be voting for him. I officially
changed my party democrat (all my voting life) to an
independent. I intend to vote for the person that I feel
can get the job done. I am also an African-American who
voted for Obama in 2008 and who even gave money and
"campaigned" for him on blogs for hours on end.
I must say he has done some things that were good and
other things that I do not agree with. He is soft on
immigration and if he wins again will make the illegals in
the USA citizens without paying one dime of tax money. He
is to me what I call a passive- aggressive personality. He
would love to have more power to do what he wills not
necessarily what is best for the country. In Miami , my
black people almost have to speak Spanish just to get a
job. We have incorporated more Cubans here that anybody
and their racist behavior.
Obama does not really want to enforce the laws on the
books but he has been deporting some illegals. My black
people in Miami are seeing unemployment rates of about 35
to 40 percent in some areas. Obama has received our vote
and has not delivered. So why should I or we vote for a
failed President in our eyes. I would rather have Mitt
Romney since he is somewhat moderate. I am a Christian and
have always been somewhat conservative but I do believe
the poor needs help. Many people want to work but Obama
does not have a clue and he is not smart enough to hire
someone that looks like us to help him understand grow
this economy and help the black community. He only cares
about re-election. At this point I do not see black people
getting so excited about Obama.
I believe many blacks will stay home if they don't see
anyone on the Republican 's side . Obama has been elected
and has ignored blacks the whole time. We are invisible to
him. Everyone got mad when Jesse Jackson said( before he
won) that he needed to stop talking down to blacks , but
Jesse was telling the truth. Obama has not given us hope
and there has been little change. Obama is a politician
and not interested in people just getting reelected. From
the blogs I have been reading lately , he also has another
problem. Many people do not even like him they just want
him out. He will have a very hard time and many whites
want him gone. I want him gone too because he has no respect
for my black people. It is sad because we thought we would
be riding high. But he used us for our votes and kicked us
to the curb. I will be sure to return the favor in Nov.
Linda Simmons
Miami, FL
I respect your opinion about President Obama,
however, who do you suppose can do more for OUR PEOPLE -
Romney, Gingrich, or any of the other Republican politicians?
They will probably put up Jeb Bush who messed up Florida (didn't even put in a bullet train such as ones they have in
many European countries). The Republicans have
already put out illegal mandates to keep OUR PEOPLE FROM VOTING IN
The Republican governors have folks trying to get them out of office in
Minn., Wis., Ind. and other states because of what they are
doing to the people who elected them. But I put it like this, to you and to
them, you deserve what you get when you put in people such as the
ones aforementioned, excluding President Obama who has done much for
this country that you have discounted. Just because he is Black does
not mean he has to cow tow to Blacks. He is doing the best that he
can do given the Republican Congress who has vowed to defeat him or
his policies no matter how good they might be for the country.
had publicly stated that they will do all in their power
to get him out of the White House. I don't tout racism but no
other president has been so disrespected, dishonored,
etc. and look what he was given from Bush when he came into office.
Do your research on what President Obama has accomplished rather than belaboring the point of what he
has not done for OUR PEOPLE!!!
OJ - "Man's
power cannot stop Divine Destiny."
So Sad,
Just wait to see what Romney or other GOP potentials
will do to "our/my Black People."
History can repeat itself (Dredd Scott in 1850's,
Rutherford B. Hayes,1876,Plessy V Fergueson,1896,Civil
Rights Act 1960's).
Our Struggle has never been easy, and all of our
leaders have been challenged and opposed on all sides,
including Dr. King. Mario Rubio will welcome Ms. Simmons
support to help finish the job along with West, Thomas,
President Obama was handed a Mess after 8 years of wars
and economic rape. "They" knew what he was
inheriting (Depression). "They" are still
counting their $ in Wyoming and Texas while blaming the
Victims. Ray Charles could see this !
Mr. Obama will win another term because their are
enough of us who remember how things were in the 50's and
60's for our/my Black People, and Good white folk who
understand bigotry and racism still exists in the USA.
Fact is that Jesse ,or the likes would have never
become President. And that is not an easy job , especially
for a Black Man ! Bill Clinton caught hell , and he grew
up a good ole boy.
I suspect Mr. Obama is going to administer a good ole
Chicago style Ass Kicking between now and November using
Executive Orders. Don't sell this Black Man short, he is
smarter than all those ----- combined, and so is his wife.
Given the choices, It's OBAMA for me, imperfections and
Dear John,
I'm so happy to receive the message above from you! I'm
so tired of people complaining about President Obama, like
those below and Linda above.
As you stated, his being in the White House is
definitely the result of brains on his part and those of
his wife and supporters like you and me.
The "old regime" knows their time is UP! They
will use any deceptive measure to downgrade the President
and put fear and doubt in the minds of the American
people, whom I'm sure are conscious of the fraud committed
by so many, starting with Bernie Madoff, whose fraudulent
antics created the economic turmoil in this country. The
truth is that the entire Eurocentric Game is shutting
down, one country at a time.
With Asia and Africa on the move, we are bound to see
the upgrade of people of color, as long as we STAY awake
and consciously move in a progressive direction. We MUST
continue to communicate with each other in this way!!
So, to my friends around the country that I blind
copied, keep this message of hope circulating.
We are the ones we've been waiting for!
Angry Black Man, January 16, 2012
Love Mr. Calloway, but totally disagree with him here.
We can put our heads in the sand if we want, but black
people have faired far worse under this president than
any in recent times. Black unemployment remains at a
stubborn 16% because Mr. Obama doesn't think it
necessary to focus on this as he is "not the black
community president, but the president of all of the
united states."
He refuses to appoint anyone of
color to major positions in government -- look at his
cabinet and the supreme court. He takes our vote for
granted because of articles like this. We have to be
smarter -- like the Hispanics. No party owns our vote
blindly. We're getting hosed. If he doesn't take care of
this community, we shouldn't take care of him. This is
Agree with Al Calloway - written by Arthur Conan Doyle, January 14, 2012
"The truth is that Social Security is a debt owed
to American seniors who worked all of their adult lives
until retirement. It is a savings account with the
government of the United States of America which allows
deductions to be made before paychecks are received.
Seniors are not “entitled” to these funds, they are
owed their money; that’s money that they worked for and
I'm soon to collect and I want it to be there for me as
it has been there for those before me. Secondly, has
anyone really taken a look at the gaggle of Republicans
vying for the nominations? It's like Ringling Brothers /
Barnum and Bailey out there.
The only sane choice is Barack Obama. Spread the word.
Keep the faith!
A Man For
The People
has he done?
Poisonous Words