AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE Program Working Title: ____________________________________ In return for the opportunity to participate in the above named program, I hereby grant to: ______________________________________________________ cable access program producer, permission to transmit live and/or to record for later transmission my likeness and/or voice as a part of the above named cable television access program for any lawful purpose, at any time. I also authorize the use of my name and excerpts from said program for the purpose of promoting and publicizing that program. I waive any right that I may have to inspect or approve the finished product or the written copy that may be used in conjunction therewith, or the use to which it may be applied. I agree to hold the program producer and any cable television company that transmits the program harmless for any liability to others arising from anything I may say or do during the program, except as set forth in a written script provided to me by the program producer. I have read this agreement before signing and fully understand its contents. NAME: _______________________________________________ SIGNATURE: __________________________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ CITY, STATE: __________________________________________ ZIP: _________________________________________ DATE: _______________________________________ Signature of parent or guardian if
Thanks for agreeing to appear on PURSUIT TV!
Please print this Authorization and Release and mail to:
Joan Cartwright
FYI Communications,
2644 Graywall Street
East Point, GA 30344