Happy New Year 2008!

September 30, 2005 - In the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, millions of people are changing their mindset.

In fact, according to John Stewart, a major evolutionary transition is beginning to unfold on Earth.  Inspired by these new understandings - Individuals are emerging who are choosing to dedicate their lives to consciously advancing the evolutionary process.  They see that their lives are an important part of the great evolutionary process that has produced the universe and the life within it.  They realize that they have a significant role to play in evolution. These individuals have decided to consciously contribute to the evolutionary process by doing what they can to actualize such a global society.  They are aware that their evolutionary awakening and activism is part of a significant evolutionary transition on earth. Examples:

Summer Solstice - June 21, 2004. I wrote the top part of this page at the Winter Solstice - December 21, 2004. 



There is, now, an opportunity for Spirit to show us that all is illusion. These war games will cease once the Feminine Principal is fully active on the planet. We proclaim our Power. We call on the positive forces in the Universe to LIGHTEN UP the Earth. Now is the time. Today, the WINTER EQUINOX, is the Day. This is the Hour of our Freedom from male domination.

We, the Women of Earth, reclaim our Power, our Birthright of Peace, Joy, Harmony, Love and Supreme Wisdom. We call on the Goddess Gaia to infiltrate the war camps, to remind the soldiers, on both sides, of the love of their mothers, sisters, wives, daughters and nieces. We admonish all men on the planet that the GAME is OVER! They can continue to play the Game if they want, but we, through Spirit, are reclaiming MOTHER EARTH to be the Heavenly Garden that she is. She will awaken, rise up and walk away from all the horror men have caused on this planet. We take full responsibility and forgive ourselves for forfeiting our power, in centuries past, allowing men to run rampant on the Planet.

Now, today, right this minute, as we read this message, we raise our Hearts in praise of Gaia, thankful that we have, finally, found our purpose - to Love each other, unconditionally!

This took place on June 21, 2001

Galactic Alignment with the Solar Eclipse  on the Summer Solstice 2001

Love and Light,
Grateful Goddess Joan
Have a rich day!

Keep your dream close to your heart and your mind will know the answer!

Sudan's Final Solution

Life expectancy in Sudan is just 58 years. In the United States, the average person can expect to live to the age of 77.
Of every 1,000 babies born alive in Sudan, 94 will die before their fifth birthdays -- compared to only 8 out of 1,000 in the United States.
Safe water is accessible to just 75% of the people of Sudan. Almost everyone in the United States has access to safe water.
Illiteracy is a major problem in Africa, as is the disparity between men's and women's education. In Sudan, 72% of the men and just 51% of the women are literate. In the United States, nearly all adults -- 97% of both men and women -- can read and write.
Annual per capita income in Sudan is $1,970 (real GDP per capita, ppp$). It is $34,320 in the United States.

Some Solutions



Page background - Rainbow Over the Sacre-Coeur by Vincent Cacace