Name: ______________________    Grade: ____    Date: _______________


1.       Another name for an idea for a script is a ________________________.

2.       The best way to protect an idea or intellectual property is to put a _____________________ on it.

3.       The person who breaks hours of videotape down to 3 to 5 minutes is the _______________.

4.       Two types of technicians who work on a video set are: __________________ and ______________.

5.       The  _____________ constructs the camera, set and lighting designer's plans.

6.       After the film or video is made, the _______________________ sells copies to customers, theaters and TV stations.

7.       The _______________________ agent calls auditions for the talent.

8.       Each artist (musician, rapper, singer, dancer, actor) has a ____________ agent whom he/she pays ____ or ____%.

9.       There are usually two budgets: one for the __________________ and one for the ______________________.

10.     The illustrator assists the __________________________ to create the _____________________________.

11.     Every artist in a video must go to the ___________________ and be fitted by the _________________ designer.

12.     True or False:   Only the producer can own the publishing rights. ____________________

13.     Two types of editors are _______________ and _____________________.

14.     To protect an invention, you must get a ____________________.

15.     To protect a sign, you must get a _________________________.

16.     Two places where a promoter would place advertisement are _______________ and ___________________.

17.     "Dance writing" is the job of the _______________________________.

18.     To protect YOUR book, video or music YOU would write ___________________________________________.

19.     True or False: Music is the most important part of a video.    _____________________

20.     True or False: Lightening is made by the lighting technician.  _____________________

EXTRA CREDIT:   A camera that is above the talent is on a __________________.


MUSIC – Quiz #8 – Music Video Creation by Joan Cartwright

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